Monday, August 9, 2010

Recent findings...

So, I was talking about that bag I posted in my last post. It's a Unibag, or I think that's what it's called, and the girl who owns the bag, I believe her name is Kani but I'm not 100% sure, uses it for school and such and it's perfect for books. IT'S JUST WHAT I NEED. I've been dying for a bag like this for ages! But I just can't find a good one around. It's leather so that's great. It's rectangular-ish, which is perfect for books, which I love because I'm pretty much a nerd.

But anywho, this is the outfit that she wore with the bag. The picture here looks really small, so you can't really see all everything she's wearing clearly. Here's a link to her lookbook:

Speaking of lookbook, it is a great site. There are so many looks that have inspired me to go THRIFT shopping. I want to go to a thrift really badly, to see what they have there. I hear about all the good finds people have found, and it just makes me wonder if I can find great things there, too! Well, back to LookBook, there are amazing outfits people post up, and there all so vintage-looking or just down-right stylish! So if you have the time, go check it out. :)

Well, that's it for today. It feels nice to just write again.

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