Monday, August 9, 2010

Recent findings...

So, I was talking about that bag I posted in my last post. It's a Unibag, or I think that's what it's called, and the girl who owns the bag, I believe her name is Kani but I'm not 100% sure, uses it for school and such and it's perfect for books. IT'S JUST WHAT I NEED. I've been dying for a bag like this for ages! But I just can't find a good one around. It's leather so that's great. It's rectangular-ish, which is perfect for books, which I love because I'm pretty much a nerd.

But anywho, this is the outfit that she wore with the bag. The picture here looks really small, so you can't really see all everything she's wearing clearly. Here's a link to her lookbook:

Speaking of lookbook, it is a great site. There are so many looks that have inspired me to go THRIFT shopping. I want to go to a thrift really badly, to see what they have there. I hear about all the good finds people have found, and it just makes me wonder if I can find great things there, too! Well, back to LookBook, there are amazing outfits people post up, and there all so vintage-looking or just down-right stylish! So if you have the time, go check it out. :)

Well, that's it for today. It feels nice to just write again.

A little reunion, I'd say!

Picture: A bag I saw on LookBook. I'll post the girl's entire outfit on my next post, but it's super cute! I want it so bad, but she got it from somewhere in Australia, so I have no clue where I can find one like this in California. x)

Ahhhhhhhhh, it's nice to be back. So it's already August, which means that my summer is almost over. I haven't done anything fun all summer (except for me sleeping over at UCI for two weeks with my older brother and sister) and I'm dying to just go out and have a blast with some friends. But before that, I've got some summer assignments that I've still not taken care of, so I need to start concentrating on my homework and just finish it already.

My mom is currently visiting her parents and other family in North Carolina, leaving me to take care of my little brother for two weeks while my Dad goes to work. So far, so good. No major problems have occurred and the house is still standing, which is a good sign. I just can't wait for my mom to come home (never thought I'd say that :P) so that I can have some freedom and relax a bit. Babysitting a person like my little brother is super hard work. But, one more week to go, and I'll be free! (Ish.)

I'm taking my driving test on Wednesday, so I'm super stoked about that! I hope I pass though. I'd say my major problem is that I don't scan my surroundings. When I look around too much, the wheel turns where my head turns, making the car swerve and stuff. Big problem, but I'll do my best to pass! Hopefully my mom will get me insurance so I can drive on my own. She says that she doesn't want to because 1.) It's dangerous to drive on my own, I could get in accidents! and 2.) Insurance costs a lot. But I just think I need to urge her a little more, and I might get it. :) We finally fixed up our little blue car, and so I'm okay with driving it now. (Ask me if I wanted to drive it around like, 3 months ago, and I would down-right say no.) But now it's cute. (If you can call a car cute.... whatever.)

So that's pretty much it. I just wanted to update on life. :) I'll probably post another one later, just so I can add some more things. :D

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The oldies just never get old.

I love how the oldies never get old. Like, songs now-a-days, (i.e. rap, hip-hop, R&B) those always get old. But songs from, say, the 60s are always fantastic.

I can just listen to oldies music all day. (Of course I do need a dose of modern music) but, I'll never get tired of the songs from the old days. :)

picture: Jackie DeShannon