Wednesday, September 2, 2009

so, a little recap.

It sure has been awhile. Just like my last post had said, haha. I just wanted to update some things, things have changed, mainly because school has started.

1. I have brand new classes, and are talking to people I haven't talked to in about a year.
2. Some classes seem way too challenging for me, but I'm not sure if I can switch to an easier teacher, teaching the same type of honors class. The school is pretty strict about that, but maybe I can convince my counselor otherwise.
3. I miss the old days, when homework only took about two hours, instead of 6.
4. Having to wear a nice outfit really irks me... I just wish I can show up on campus wearing my PJs for crying out loud.
5. All in all, I pray for this to be a good year.

I haven't grown any taller. My feet grew a half inch longer. *sigh* Me and my man-feet. Hah. My clothes haven't changed much.. I don't think. Since this summer wasn't exactly a shopping summer, I didn't get new things, really. I'm exhausted from doing my evil trig/pre-cal H homework, all 100 of them. And my stats homework. And speaking of homework, I never finished my English... seems like I'll copy a friend's! Woot, already copying on the fourth day of school.

Well, this blog is basically my diary. No names are listed though, even though I wish I could list them. But imagine they read this.. I'd die of embarrassment! But anyways. I just hope this year is a successful year, and I wish you the same. Whoevers reading.

I will most likely post again. I have a few more topics I want to keep forever on here, but they won't go with this post.. so yes. Now I'm to find a random picture I like to keep this post not that boring. The picture will go on top.. yay.. hah. I still need to figure how to organize photos. :}

Sincerely, Catherine.

Picture: Boys Over Flowers! I watched that over the summer. That took up about a week of my life, but it was nice. :] Although I would've loved it if Jan Di got with Ji Hoo insted of Jun Pyo.. but whatevs, the ending was nice, so I'm fine with it. x)