Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Their music is very helpful, at times like this.

Air 1 - The Positive Alternative radio station. This radio station really has great positive music, that really makes me feel good. Compared to other stations, that just play hip hop or love songs, this station plays uplifting music, the feel good kind. :]
I advise you to listen to them. If not, you don't have to. If you don't like them, go back to your other stations, but this one will always be close to my heart, forever. <3

Check out their website, if you like, and if you feel like you need someone to pray for you, you can, they will pray for you. All you have to do is submit your prayer. Here:
To go to their website: http://www.air1.com/
To submit a prayer: http://www.air1.com/Ministry/NeedPrayer.aspx

God bless you :)

Monday, May 25, 2009

i must have this. eventually.

Oh my gosh. I have dreamed of this thing, for the last century. (not really.)

Metropolis Mini Wireless Straightening Iron - used to be a whopping 145.00, and now is a lovely 69.99 USD. (<-- i've been looking at too many asian stores, i have to put the USD after that :])
Gosh how this would make my life easier, no more days of being secluded into the bathroom in the morning, and now full of days where I can straighten my hair in the KITCHEN. :)

I'll get this. One day. One day.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

boba & asian shops

Dang I want some boba right now. :[

So lately I've been looking into some different sites, and I've found some realllly cool ones. I'm into online shopping nowadays, (since I never have transportation to an actual mall), and I've been looking at asian imported goods. I'm tired of the old Forever21, and AE and those other stores, and the shops that i've been looking at have the cutest clothes, for the cheapest price. My favorite sites are www.zipia.net (super cute stuff, there) and this other site.. that i kinda forgot the URL. :)

but you should check the other site out. I really love it. Well, good day to you.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

sunday school.

isn't the funnest thing to do. every sunday i have to go there (except on occasion when there's no class) and every sunday i create even more memories with friends, sometimes super fun ones, and sometimes extremely boring ones.

but sunday school is worth it in the end.. i guess. haha :]

catherine truong.