Monday, April 27, 2009

thanks, dad.

yaaaaaay. i finally got a birthday present from my parents. (err, my dad.) :)
i've been wanting these since the end of my 7th grade. haha. i'll take a picture with them on...

off to do spanish homework,

Saturday, April 25, 2009

the only show i keep up with.

Ahh, Desperate Housewives. THEEEE show. i watch it every sunday and it never fails to entertain me. <3

outta here,
catherine truong.

8th of april

So it was my bday on April the 8th. And my lovely friend got me this:

which I absolutely adoreeeeeeed. I also got a cardigan vest, and a V-neck. But for some odd reason, they wont let me post the pictures. So this is all I got. :)

Catherinre Truong

First Day.

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." ~Albert Einstein

Hello, my name is Catherine Truong. I'm a current high school Freshman in the soCal area. I apparently have nothing to do, so I decided to make a blog. For my own pleasure. (And yours, if you like it.)
I am of the Asian ethnicity, Vietnamese to be exact. I have a wonderful family consisting of a hard-working nail salon lady (my mom. sterotypical, isnt it?), a very kind furniture salesman (my dad), a current college freshman at UCI (my sister), a senior in high school (my bro), and my 5-year old autistic brother. Life isn't as easy as I wish it would be, with the money not rolling in anymore, and my autistic brother, Peter, being even harder to take care of. And especially how after next year, I'll be the only person left to watch over him, which leaves me with nothing else to do, but blog since I'll probably have to stay home the majority of the year next year. Might as well start one now, right? Right. :)

I guess that leaves you off with a start. I think this shall be the end of this post. Expect another post soon though, cause I know for sure i'll be bored later tonight. Please follow me as well, I'd be much happier if you did, even if all this is pointless to you. <3
Until then,

Catherine Truong